Posts tagged Maskne
MASKNE Got you tripping boo??

Here are some of my product recommendations to keep your skin in check.

  1. Using a retinol will help your skin quickly shed and generate new skin cells, in turn healing any breakouts or even scaring. Accelerating skin renewal is great when our skin isn’t breathing all day. Retinol also helps enhance collagen production!

    I included a few different options from low to high $. I personally use a prescription grade tretinoin from my derm.

  2. Glycolic Toner: This will help eliminate any build up in your pores and keep your skin bright and tight. Always a plus!

  3. Put a patch on it! No one will see it under your mask ;)

  4. Drying Lotion. This product is a great over night remedy to calm that sucker down.

  5. Don’t forget to exfoliate! I included the Goldfaden Dr’s Scrub, I love this gentle exfoliator. I use it about once a week.